Tuesday 8 March 2016


Week 1:
  • Write brief 
  • Research
  • Design character 
Week 2: 
  • Modify character after feedback (legs, how does he walk)
  • Research walk cycle, animals to base his walk/legs from
  • Draw skeleton and muscle diagram of character
  • Draw finals of my character
  • Character sheets
  • Figure out what textures go where on my character/props
  • Block in character in Zbrush
  • Start sculpting character
Week 3:
  • More muscle and anatomy studies (of other animals and my character) on paper
  • Draw character standing vs sitting
  • Muscle studies in Zbrush 
  • Experiment textures and colours 
  • Sculpting character in loose T pose (research Z pose)
  • Start modeling props in Maya
  • Create formative assessment PDF 
Week 4:
  • Sculpting character
  • Formative assessment 
  • Import Maya models to Zbrush and sculpt
  • Create transparent window in cabinet (Transparency in Zbrush, BPR Transparency)
  • Research hair tutorials
Study Week 1:
  • Finish character
  • Finish props/Finish window 
  • Start hair on character 
Study Week 2:
  • Cont. hair
Week 5:
  • Finish hair
  • Start texturing character/props

Week 6:

  • Texturing
  • Tutorials on lighting
Week 7: 

  • Lighting character
  • Research Rendering
Week 8:

  • Finish lighting
  • Start rendering character (How many stills do I want to render?)
Week 9: 
  • Rendering character
  • Research Image compositing
Week 10:
  • Finish rendering 
  • Start image compositing 
  • Create backgrounds in Photoshop
Week 11:
  • Finalizing Image(s)
  • Planning presentation speech 
  • PDF presentation/ report of research
  • Small project documenting technical research applied to a context
Week 12:
  • Practice presentation 
  • Present
  • Hand in 

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